About Me

Just for starters, I usually never look like these pictures. Anyone who knows me knows that 90% of the time my hair is thrown into a messy bun directly on top of my head and that my fashion sense was 

solidified once the term "athleisure" was coined. 

Hi, I'm Mia! I'm a L.A. born, Atlanta raised, former collegiate basketball player in the great state of South Carolina. That last part would be worthless but it's vital to my story because it's when and where I met my now Austrian of a husband. After university in the U.S., I packed my bags, moved to Vienna, got married and officially began that expat life and since 2015, have been trying to master it

I am a creative at heart, dabbling in a little bit of everything from photography, calligraphy, DIY crafting, designing, cooking, (and lots and lots of eating). But what makes me feel most alive is exploring a new city, on a sunny day, with my loved ones, my camera and fresh pastry in hand. 

Welcome to my wild corner of the internet world, where I write about my travels and 

anything else that inspires me to live a full life. I hope that after you browse through the pages of my blog, you will feel inspired to create, to book that trip, to explore all the beauty this world has to offer, or at the very least are entertained by my random acts of crazy. 

xo Mia 

"My invitation to you is to begin living every moment as though you are miraculous and deserve to live an extraordinary life. Fake it if you must and keep faking it until its real to you. The nizagara gift you will be giving yourself is a lifelong journey of discovery, one that is infinite and infinitely rewarding. Begin the journey. Today. This moment. Now."

-Robert White 



If you ever want to collaborate with me, have a question or comment

or just want to say hello, I would love to hear from you! 

Thanks! Message sent.

Let's be
